Fun Nature Tree Craft for Kids

Nature Tree Craft for Kids. Rain or Shine Mamma

This fun tree craft for kids is easy to make and only uses natural or biodegradable materials, which is something that I look for when I do crafts. You can do this nature craft at any time of the year, but fall is the perfect time for it, since there are a lot of loose and colorful natural materials on the ground.Fun Nature Tree Craft for Kids. Rain or Shine Mamma

Nature Tree Craft for Kids

Age: This activity is mainly geared toward preschoolers, but could definitely be done with older children as well. My youngest daughter, who is 4, loved it and when her 7-year-old sister got back from school she was begging to do it!

Time: 30 min+


  • Sheets of paper. We used regular office paper but this card stock paper would hold up better.
  • Natural objects like leaves, twigs, tree nuts and seeds, grass, berries etc.
  • Glue. We like Elmer’s school glue, but any brand will do.
  • Bag or basket to collect natural objects in.

How to do it:

Go for a nature walk and collect natural materials. Decide what you want your tree to look like and make an outline using the glue, then break up the twigs in smaller pieces to make branches for the tree. For foliage, crumble leaves and glue them in place. Add other natural items as you please to decorate the tree. Really, there are no rules – just let your child’s imagination run wild and see what he or she comes up with!

Fall nature craft for kids. Rain or Shine Mamma



7 thoughts on “Fun Nature Tree Craft for Kids

  1. Coombe Mill - Fiona says:

    A great way to make a collage, so effective with the little pieces of twig and quite intricate to make it look realistic which I think does indeed stretch it to older age groups. A lovely exercise from going out collecting to back in making. thank you for sharing on Country Kids. This one would also work on my Trash 2 Treasure link up so please do join me there too.

  2. Marie-josee Carrier says:

    I love teaching outside the classroom. It is my new passion. The children enjoy being in the schoolyard and be active. How can I order your book on doing math outside?

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