Live simply.

Go outside often.​

Be kind to the Earth.​

Welcome, my friend!

I’m so glad you found me. I’ve practiced the Nordic art of friluftsliv, or open-air life, my entire life and advocated for connecting children with nature for well over a decade. This site is a digital hub of my experience, a place where you will find inspiration, support and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to outdoor play and nature connection. Living an open-air life keeps me and my family healthy, happy and deeply attached to the Earth that sustains us. Whether you’re looking to foster a nature-based family culture or just want advice on how to dress your baby for winter, I’m here to help.



What is open-air life?

Open-air life, or friluftsliv as it’s called in Scandinavia, is a philosophical lifestyle that revolves around finding joy in nature without pressure to achieve or compete. Just like there is slow food, slow parenting, and slow entertainment, friluftsliv is a form of slow nature. It is about embracing simplicity, resisting consumerism, and living in a way that is sustainable to both ourselves and the planet. It is the kind of life that transcends generations and connects us deeply with the land that sustains us. And it has the power to heal. Millions of people in the Nordic countries practice friluftsliv and pass the custom down to their children as a way to build a healthy family culture. Are you ready to join them?

"The journey toward an open-air life starts within ourselves, we just need to open the door for it. Literally."

- Linda Akeson McGurk

Most popular reads

Why Scandinavians Leave Their Babies Out in the Cold

A few years ago, I got talking to a prominent researcher at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana about the Scandinavian attitude to outdoor play and nature connection. I told her about our commitment to dressing kids for the weather and getting them outside every day, as well as our obsession...

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5 Reasons Why My Kids Play Outside In (Almost) Any Weather

In my native country of Sweden, people live by the old Scandinavian saying “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes,” and dressing for the weather is akin to a national sport. This is especially true when it comes to children, who are expected and encouraged to play...

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Parents – Stop Worrying and Let Your Children Climb Trees!

As long as I can remember, my girls have climbed trees. Skinny trees, big trees, crooked trees, straight trees, old trees, young trees, pine trees, deciduous trees… They’ve climbed trees in snow suits in the winter and barefoot in the summer. On more than one occasion, they’ve climbed trees wearing...

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Recent posts

5 tips for a successful winter picnic

If I say ‘picnic’, chances are you come to think of sitting in the grass in a park on a warm, sun-kissed day. But a winter picnic can be just as much fun, with the crisp air and snow-covered landscape creating a unique backdrop for your outing. Even if you

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How to create a nature habit that sticks

  We all know that nature is good for our physical and mental health and well-being – but creating a daily nature habit can be easier said than done. Poor weather, lack of time and insufficient access to good green spaces are a few of the obstacles people often mention

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Discover My Books

Friluftsliv – the outdoorsy cousin of hygge

From the pleasures of foraging for wild berries and birding to how to stay warm and cozy outside in the middle of winter, this charmingly illustrated, inspirational guide will show you how to channel the power-of-nature to improve your physical and mental health, and connect with your family, your community and Mother Nature. 

What readers are saying about The Open-Air Life

—D. Roe
—D. Roe
“I immensely enjoyed this book and appreciated the tips for those of us who were not raised in the outdoors. It gave me ideas on how I can incorporate more friluftsliv into my own life and enjoy a healthier happier lifestyle because of it.”
—Olga Anagnost.
—Olga Anagnost.
“This book can change the culture of your family’s life—and transform you from the inside.”
—Tacy Quinn
—Tacy Quinn
“The Open-Air Life is a treasure, full of friluftsliv facts, fun, and ideas.”
—Reagan Fulton
—Reagan Fulton
“This book will change your life.”

Bestselling parenting memoir

Bringing Up Bébé meets Last Child in the Woods in this “fascinating exploration of the importance of the outdoors to childhood development” (Kirkus Reviews) from a Swedish-American mother who sets out to discover if the nature-centric parenting philosophy of her native Scandinavia holds the key to healthier, happier lives for her American children.

What readers are saying about There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather

—Richard Louv,
—Richard Louv,
"Linda McGurk offers a perfect antidote to the hyper-vigilant, extra-electrified, standardized-tested, house-arrested, 21st-century childhood and the experts who push it. Practical and wise, There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather proves just that, and much more.”
—Iben Dissing Sandahl,
—Iben Dissing Sandahl,
"What an enjoyable romp through all the pleasures, benefits, and joy that free play and nature offer!."
—Christine Gross-Loh,
—Christine Gross-Loh,
"This is a heartfelt manifesto on the importance of the sort of unhurried, nature-rich childhood that every American child deserves."
—Heather Shumaker
—Heather Shumaker
"Smart, friendly and Swedish. Packed with sane ideas that will get your children outside, independent, and filled with the joy of living!"

Book clubs

Is your book club planning to read my books There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather or The Open-Air Life? I can provide you with study questions and even join your discussion remotely. Just drop me an e-mail to connect – I love hearing from my readers!

Presentations & Workshops

Does your organization need a speaker who can an engage an audience on the topic of outdoor play and connecting children and adults with nature? I’m a twice published author with a wealth of knowledge and speaking experience from a range of workshops, conferences and community events. Most of my presentations are done remotely via video link, but I do sometimes travel for bigger events.

These are a few of the topics that I offer:

  • Woods over Worksheets: How jumping in mud puddles and climbing trees can help children thrive at school – and in life.
  • How to Live an “Open-Air Life”: Discover the Nordic art of friluftslivby embracing nature in everyday life.
  • There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather: How to raise happy, healthy and resilient children through outdoor play all year.

I can also customize a presentation for your audience.
