32 Fun Winter Nature Walk Activities for Kids

32 Fun Winter Nature Walk Activities for Kids. Rain or Shine Mamma

Nature walks are a fun way for young children to explore and get acquainted with nature at their own pace. If you haven’t done so already, I really recommend taking the kids out for a winter nature walk. The beauty of doing these walks all year round is that you get to experience all the changes that take place as nature transitions from one season to another. Try these fun nature walk activities when they need a little extra motivation on the trail!

32 Fun Winter Nature Walk Activities for Kids. Rain or Shine Mamma

Although I usually just let the girls play freely during our walks, I sometimes have a few simple nature walk activities in the back of my head in case they need a little extra motivation to make it back to the car. Here are a few things that we like to do:

Animal tracking is a fun nature walk activity for children and adults alike and winter is a great season for it – especially if there is snow on the ground! Learn the basics in Animal Tracking with Children: A Beginner’s Guide.

Turn over a rock or log to see who’s hiding underneath. You may be surprised!

Picnics help keep little tummies happy and a hot beverage is a great way to warm up on a chilly day – our favorite is hot chocolate. The Woodland Trust Nature Detectives has some fun winter picnic recipes if you feel like trying something new.

Scavenger hunts are always a big hit with my girls and there’s no reason why they can’t be done in winter as well. Check out Cragmama’s 6 Ideas for Nature Hunts for Young Explorers for inspiration.

Hug some trees  can you find one that has the perfect circumference for you to wrap your arms around? Or use this simple method from Science Sparks to estimate the height of a tree.

Watch for birds and count how many bird nests you see in the trees. Bring a pair of binoculars to get a better view. And don’t forget to listen for them as well!

Watch, listen, touch, smell and taste the woods to get the most out of your walk. Mommy Loves Trees lists 20 Ways to Explore the Forest Using Your 5 Senses.


13 thoughts on “32 Fun Winter Nature Walk Activities for Kids

    • Linda McGurk says:

      Thank you! And yes, both the birds and their nests appear easier to spot in the winter. Sometimes we’ll just lie down on our backs and close our eyes and listen – it’s a good exercise in mindful listening and the kids love it!

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