Disana Wool Leggings Giveaway

DISANA Wool Leggings Giveaway. Rain or Shine Mamma

A little over two years ago, I started this blog as a way to encourage outdoor play and adventure for kids every day, regardless of the weather. (As a little throwback, you can read my very first post here.) What started out as a hobby that married two of my biggest passions – writing and the outdoors – quickly took on a life of its own. The other day I surpassed 2,000 followers on Facebook and I over the past couple of years I have enjoyed connecting with many of you through comments, emails and social media.

DISANA Wool Leggings Giveaway. Rain or Shine MammaI’m convinced that the movement to get children back outside is gaining momentum and it feels great to be part of it.

To celebrate my two-year “bloggiversary” I’ve once again partnered with Sofee & Lenee – German Kinder Accessories for a giveaway! Sofee & Lenee came to my attention as I was searching the web for European-style rain gear, as these mud pants and jackets are not available in regular department stores or from the big outdoor retailers. Sofee & Lenee also carries high-quality wool clothes for both children and adults, which are a godsend if you plan on playing and adventuring outdoors in cold temperatures. (You can read my review of the Hocosa wool undershirt here.)

I’m really excited to share that Sofee & Lenee now carries an uber cute line of Organic Disana wool clothes for children, including skirts, sweaters, leggings, jackets and beanies, and that the owner, Dorothee, kindly has agreed to give away a pair of children’s leggings to one lucky reader. These soft Merino wool leggings are made in Germany and can be used to mix and match with other Disana products, or worn under a pair of mud pants for messy outdoor play.

Now, don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: The giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. Entries are accepted until midnight on October 7, 2015. A random winner will be drawn and notified via email. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be drawn. Please note that the sizes and colors of the leggings available may vary.

45 thoughts on “Disana Wool Leggings Giveaway

  1. Cara says:

    I visited the Sofee and Lenee website and was thrilled to see the silk/wool pj sets. My daughter has had a silk/wool nightdress that she has worn for years. It shouldn’t be so hard to find pjs without chemicals!

  2. Ashleigh says:

    Congratulations on your blog’s success! <3 I am so happy to see this message being spread! Regarding the giveaway, I visited sofee and lenee's website and really liked their HOCOSA Undergarment choices! I can't wait till it gets cold enough to be in long underwear! <3 My little girl is just at the age where she is understanding the seasons and their changes. I am glad she's learning from nature instead of from a tv show. Thanks for all you do! <3

  3. Pamela says:

    Wonderful to have alternatives to poly and the ilk for children ( and in my case, grandchildren) I love the bright color choices. I have two pair adult silk/wool leggings and live in them from Fall through Spring. I am glad I ‘stumbled onto’ this site, thanks to a friend reposting the giveaway.

  4. Halcyon Morrison says:

    I see a pair of wool leggings in a parcel from “Gwanny” this Yule! Perfect layer for under the snow pants and the boiled wool coat is my favorite as well!

  5. Dorothee says:

    Congratulations, Alisha E. for winning a pair of Disana organic wool leggings!

    Thank you all for participating, your kind comments and Facebook ‘likes’. Be sure to visit our site now and then, as there’ll be more give-aways in the future 🙂


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