Books can help reinforce children’s bond with Mother Nature by introducing them to the vocabulary of the natural world while also filling them with a sense of wonder and kinship with other living organisms. Reading picture books about nature can instill a love for reading as well as inspiring outdoor adventure – a win-win in my opinion.
My own daughters outgrew the picture book phase a long time ago, but I still love finding books that help bring out the wild even in the littlest child. These are a few picture books for nature kids that not only focus on the natural world but on the special connection between children and nature. I’ve enjoyed exploring these reads lately and bet that you and your little ones would too!

Meet the Wild
In Meet the Wild, Lindsay Kellar-Madsen uses imaginative rhyme to capture the joy of exploring the outdoors with all senses, from squeezing raspberries with your bare hands to climbing trees without shoes. It is the perfect addition to any young child’s collection of nature-inspired picture books!
Where is Wild: A Descriptive Word Journey for Children
Where is Wild takes the reader on an awe-inspiring and wondrous journey through the landscape in search for the wild. It is a beautifully illustrated picture book for the youngest children.
If there is a picture book that really captures the joy of puddle stomping and other rainy-day activities, this is it. Rain! has an important message for kids about the power of positive thinking but maybe even more so for weather-weary adults.
Little Witch Hazel: A Year in the Forest
Little Witch Hazel is the story of a tiny witch who tirelessly helps her friends in the forest, all year round. The detailed and earth-toned illustrations give the four seasonal stories in this book an air of old-world charm.
We Walk Through the Forest
In We Walk Through the Forest, a young girl and her dog go on a woodland adventure and soon discover that they are not alone. The wildlife encounters and whimsical rhymes in this cute picture book will likely inspire many outdoor adventures.
Just about to have our first kid and this is a great little guide for exactly the kinds of books I want to share with them. Thank you!
Congratulations on your baby! Glad you’re enjoying my blog:)