Happy New Year! How Would You Like to Play Outside in 2014?

Winter sunset

I’m usually not one to make a lot of New Year’s resolutions; instead I tend to think of what my goals are for the coming year. It just seems like less of a chore and more like a fun challenge that way (and less of a failure if I’m not able to check off every item on my list, which is a very real possibility). Usually, my goals are pretty vague and fuzzy (“Become the best parent I can be!” “Be a better listener!” “Have more patience!”) and, in all honesty, the results can be tricky to measure.

For 2014, I thought I’d do things a little differently. Until this year, spending time in nature and letting my kids play outside wasn’t something I had thought much about. That’s what I did as a child and what I considered normal. But by starting the blog and connecting with so many like-minded people across the globe I’ve also started to think about outdoor play and the connection between children and nature in different way. I don’t want to call it structured because I’m all about unstructured play, but let’s just say I’ve become more focused on finding things that inspire us – and hopefully some of you – to get outside. Below are some outdoor adventures that I’m planning for our family this year – some are whimsical, some are useful, some are small, some are big.

Rain or Shine Mamma’s Outdoor Goals for 2014:

  • Sleep under the stars
  • Learn to identify three types of wildflowers that grow in our backyard
  • Visit a state park that we’ve never been to before
  • Run barefoot through a puddle of mud
  • Build a fort in the woods
  • Learn some survival skills
  • Go hiking at least once a month
  • Plant a butterfly garden
  • Try geocaching
  • Introduce the kids to ice skating
  • Spot and learn about three bird species in our backyard
  • Plant a vegetable garden
  • Grow a sunflower house
  • Go back country camping
  • Build a sand box

Too much? Not enough? Time will tell. I will report back as I start checking things off my list!

I also want to take the opportunity to thank you for your support since I started the blog earlier this year. Together we can all be a part of the movement to get kids back outside. And as usual I would love to hear from you and what kind of outdoor fun you have planned for your family for the coming year!

Winter sunset